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Executive Pathway Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Chartered Marketer Program

The CM designation is long overdue

Mick Kopis CM, the Global Marketing Director at Protech Group, believes marketing is always changing which is why a designation for marketers in Canada is long overdue. MARKETING IS ALWAYS

Edward Li connecting the dots
Connecting the dots

Edward LI CM, the Director of Business Banking at CIBC, discusses the importance of data, insights and connecting the dots. Connecting the dots My Marketing career has always been about


As the President and Principal of 1919 Strategy Group, Miki Velemirovich CM shares his insights and the obstacles he overcame to become a Chartered Marketer. The World of Marketing I

Shaping Future Marketing Leaders

As the Head of Marketing for Cisco Canada and a member of the Forbes Council, Seye Oloruntoba CM, shares her perspective on investing in yourself with the CM designation and

CM Spotlight - Brent Chaters
From Well-Rounded Marketer to Marketing Expert

It’s said that a well-rounded marketer is able to move with agility thanks to their adaptability. No one knows that better than Brent Chaters CM, who moved quickly to get

A Strategic Marketer’s Level of Excellence

A strategic marketer, Deanna White CM, recognized the many benefits of achieving the CM designation. Read the many ways she’s found value since becoming a Chartered Marketer. A designation of

CM Spotlight Banner-Roshni Wijayasinha
Great Career Shifts, Great Marketing Impacts

Every career shift presents an opportunity and for Roshni Wijayasinha CM, she found her passion as a marketing consultant. With her designation, she’s found credibility that backs up her impressive

Going Beyond the Martech Landscape

No stranger to the martech landscape, Dan Radu, CM, was looking for a way to cement his credibility and further his marketing knowledge. He saw the importance of marketing standards

Gaining a Competitive Edge & Advantage

As a marketing instructor, Tracy Reese, CM, understands the need for a competitive edge. She’s made lifelong learning her career focus and provides her reasons for why the CM designation

Assurance of A High-Performance Marketer

Binding together all his extensive experience, Peter Rodriguez, CM, a high-performance marketer, shares why the designation is important to him and the overall marketing profession. WHY A DESIGNATION IS NEEDED