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Executive Pathway Archives - Chartered Marketer Program

Breaking Tradition

Smita Challu Tulsani, CM, Customer Strategy and Martech Director at Akcelo, discusses breaking tradition, taking a leap of faith and creating the marketing leaders of tomorrow.  Breaking Tradition Growing up,

KB Banner FNL
My Journey

Karen Bannister, CM, Vice President of Marketing at Centurion Asset Management Inc., discusses where she’s invested her time, what attracted her to the profession, and something vital every marketer should

Vera Cvetkovic
An Opportunity You Can’t Miss

Vera Cvetkovic, CM, Vice President of Enterprise Consulting at Media.Monks shares how her journey led her to an opportunity marketing leaders’ can’t miss. Knowledge, Skills, and Credibility Over the last

Tulsi Dharel
Passion and Pursuit

Tulsi Dharel, CM, Professor at Centennial College, CMA Board Council member and NMA founder, discusses his passion and pursuit to educate marketers through his experiences. Over 35 Years I have

Liz Oke, CM
Excellence in Marketing

Liz Oke, CM, Lead Course Developer and Instructor at the CMA, discusses growing up with marketing in her DNA, developing the CM curriculum, and excellence in marketing.  All My Life

Finding My Place

Ivana Di Millo, CM, Principal and Managing Director of Blue Opal Communications Inc, discusses how to pivot and find your place in a constantly evolving profession and ever-changing world. My

Michael Turney, CM
You Get What You Put In

Michael Turney, CM, the Director of Demand Generation at Symend, discusses the value of the CM program and being an active member while reminding us that you’ll only get out

Karen Hazan a well-rounded marketer
The value of well-rounded marketers

Karen Hazan CM, the Head of Marketing at Manitoulin Transport, discusses continuous learning, elevating your skills, updating your knowledge and becoming a well-rounded marketer. Personal Goal For the last 25

A Great Opportunity
We Should Be Proud

Oliver Bukvic CM, a Senior Marketing Leader, discusses differentiating and dedicating yourself to a life-long professional development journey and being proud to promote a designation recognizing marketing leaders across Canada.

I needed to learn
I Needed to Learn

Eric Tang CM, Executive Vice President and Managing Director at Porter Novelli, discusses marketing standards, making decisions, professional development and how he needed to learn. I Needed to Learn Initially,