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Annual Requirements

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Continuing Professional Development

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development, and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals participate in to develop and enhance their abilities.

Chartered Marketers must earn 15 credits per year.


  • Structured, relevant learning that includes a formal assessment (e.g. an exam)
  • Relevant learning with no formal assessment
  • Marketing leadership
  • Self-directed learning
  • Researching and writing
  • Community participation

What are CPD Credits?

CPD Stands for Continuing Professional Development, and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals participate in to develop and enhance their abilities.

What CPD requirements are Chartered Marketers required to meet?

Chartered Marketers must earn 15 credits per year to earn a total of 45 credits over a three-year cycle.

What qualifies as CPD credits?

  • Structured, relevant learning that includes a formal assessment (e.g. an exam)
  • Relevant learning with no formal assessment
  • Marketing leadership
  • Self-directed learning
  • Researching and writing
  • Community participation
  • See this link for more detail

I have recently earned my CM designation. When do I start logging my CPD credits?

You will be required to start obtaining CPD credits in the calendar year following the year in which you are awarded the designation. CMs will be permitted to bring forward any credits earned during the gap between achieving the designation and the next calendar year.

What is the online CPD log and where can it be found?

The online CPD log is where yearly professional development is documented. To add CPD activity click on ‘Program Status’ in MyCMA and then click on ‘CM Workbook (CPD)’ in the designation grid.

Will there be an audit to ensure compliance?

Yes, CMA will audit a percentage of Chartered Marketers to ensure submitted logs are truthful and accurate.

What happens if I fail to comply with CPD requirements?

Failure to complete your CPD requirements may result in the suspension of your Chartered Marketer designation until the requirement is met.

Is there a deadline to submit my CPD log?

Your completed log should be submitted at the end of each year prior to December 31.

How many CPD credits must I earn each year?

Chartered Marketers must earn 15 credits per year to earn a total of 45 credits over a three-year cycle.

Can I earn more than the required credits?


Can credits be carried over?

Only in the first year of earning the designation.

Code of Conduct for Professional Marketers

The Code of Conduct for Professional Marketers provides a guide to Chartered Marketers (CMs) of the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) regarding how they are expected to act in all aspects of their work. It also provides a basis for the Canadian Marketing Association to enforce a standard of acceptable behaviour. This Code applies to all CMs. Each year, CMs will be asked to review and sign the code of conduct.

Annual Dues

Annual Dues are required to be paid as soon as you become a Chartered Marketer.

  • CMA Corporate Members – $250 + taxes
  • Non-Members $450 + taxes

Please note that for the first year, your dues are pro-rated to the 1st of the month following the month you qualify for the designation.
Annual requirements must be fulfilled prior to December 31 of each year.

Annual Dues Assistance Program

If you are on leave from your employment, or if you have retired, you may be entitled to participate in the Annual Dues Assistance Program. The Annual Dues Assistance Program will only be valid for one renewal period (except for retirement). CMs participating in the Annual Dues Assistance Program will still be required to meet the CPD annual requirement for the purpose of maintaining their CM in good standing.

To participate in the Annual Dues assistance program, CMs should contact the Certification Manager as soon as possible as all requests must be submitted by December 1st, to allow for adequate processing prior to renewal. Please note that the CMA may require additional documentation in support of the request.

To participate in the Annual Dues Assistance Program, please contact us.

Reinstatement Policy

Failure to pay annual dues or meet Certified Professional Development (CPD) requirements will result in designation suspension. A suspension results in losing the right to use the Chartered Marketer designation.

After a 90-day grace period, Chartered Marketers who have not paid their annual dues or met their CPD requirements, will be considered suspended. CM’s will have two years from their designation lapse based on their last good-standing term (December 31st), to request to be re-instated. In order to be re-instated, you will be required to:

1) Pay a reinstatement fee of $200
2) Pay the current year’s annual dues
3) Meet the pro-rated CPD requirements for the current term and meet the 45 CPD requirement for the cycle (15 CPD per year in a three year cycle).

If more than two years have passed since the designation was suspended, based on the last good-standing term (December 31st) due to outstanding annual dues, non-compliance of annual CPD requirements or voluntarily relinquishment, a Chartered Marketer may rejoin by re-achieving their designation through the path for which they qualify for. This may include, and is not limited to, submitting a new application and, meeting the designation requirements currently in place for the path through which they qualify for. Should any of the previously met requirements remain valid, they will not need to be completed as a part of the re-instatement process.

Leave Exemption (CPD)

If you are planning to be on leave from your employment, you may be entitled to an exemption from completing your annual CPD. If your leave spans over two calendar years, you may choose the year in which you wish to take the exemption. Any CPD activities participated in during the exempt year, may be brought forward to the following year. Please contact CMA at least two months prior to your planned leave to file a request.

For questions, or to request* a re-instatement, please contact us

*Due to the nature of the request, re-instatement requests may take up to 6-weeks to process