
    Breaking Tradition

    Smita Challu Tulsani, CM, Customer Strategy and Martech Director at Akcelo, discusses breaking tradition, taking a leap of faith and creating the marketing leaders of tomorrow.  Breaking Tradition Growing up,

    KB Banner FNL
    My Journey

    Karen Bannister, CM, Vice President of Marketing at Centurion Asset Management Inc., discusses where she’s invested her time, what attracted her to the profession, and something vital every marketer should

    Compelled to Disagree
    Common Ground

    An Opposing Opinion It’s 9:45 am and the boss just finished outlining a new goal for your team to work towards. You listened attentively and took notes to remember which

    Vera Cvetkovic
    An Opportunity You Can’t Miss

    Vera Cvetkovic, CM, Vice President of Enterprise Consulting at Media.Monks shares how her journey led her to an opportunity marketing leaders’ can’t miss. Knowledge, Skills, and Credibility Over the last

    Time is Money

    Change It’s Monday morning and you just realized a mandatory meeting is starting soon. As you open the email and briskly scan through the main talking points, one word is

    Tulsi Dharel
    Passion and Pursuit

    Tulsi Dharel, CM, Professor at Centennial College, CMA Board Council member and NMA founder, discusses his passion and pursuit to educate marketers through his experiences. Over 35 Years I have

    Ambitious Agenda
    Ambitious Agenda

    Ambitious Agenda It’s a new year, and time to get back to work. Your last meeting of the day is with the senior leadership team, and you’re starting 2023 with

    Liz Oke, CM
    Excellence in Marketing

    Liz Oke, CM, Lead Course Developer and Instructor at the CMA, discusses growing up with marketing in her DNA, developing the CM curriculum, and excellence in marketing.  All My Life

    left behind
    Left Behind

    Questioning Efficiency Developing the courage to make your voice heard has worked wonders for your career. After finding your voice, you no longer sit silently admiring those with the confidence

    Finding My Place

    Ivana Di Millo, CM, Principal and Managing Director of Blue Opal Communications Inc, discusses how to pivot and find your place in a constantly evolving profession and ever-changing world. My


    28 Feb
    Proving Your Worth in Marketing
    • 10:00 am
    • Earl DeMatas