In his CM Spotlight, Jeff Pontes, CM, Vice President of Digital Strategy & Performance at Salt XC, emphasizes continuous learning as well as balancing data and creative intuition. He also stresses
In his CM Spotlight, Ritesh Singh, CM, Chief Growth Officer at Icogz Technologies Ltd., emphasizes adaptability, continuous learning, engaging with both marketing and business leadership networks, applying knowledge to drive
In her CM Spotlight, Elvira Palermo, CM, Senior Advisor at the Ontario Energy Board, highlights the power of strategy in marketing and the necessity of continuous learning. She reveals that
In his CM Spotlight, Marc André Roy, CM, CX Financial Services Transformation & Québec Lead at Accenture Song, emphasizes the importance of understanding business fundamentals and continuous learning for marketers.
Vito De Filippis, CM, Senior Vice President of Sales at Environics Analytics, discusses everything from knowing your customers intimately to how marketers must constantly produce effective strategies to prove their value.
Alexandra Ungureanu, CM, Vice President, Client Success & Growth Strategy at XWP, says marketers are responsible for the messages they craft because they can shape how people see themselves and
Eden Church, CM, Partner Marketing Manager at AIR MILES Reward Program, says each marketer must walk the path before them in search of success. Eden emphasizes the importance of diversity
Tianna De Mel, CM, Digital Marketing Specialist at Syntax, is a testament to doing what you love. Her passion for marketing only blossomed when she accepted that accounting was not
Madeline Dennhardt, CM, Marketing and Communications Coordinator from Thunder Bay’s Economic Development Commission, shares valuable insights in her CM Spotlight. She emphasizes that the CM designation boosts credibility and refines
In her CM Spotlight, Nancy Mancini, CM, Principal Consultant at Marcom Blueprints Inc., discusses how she became a marketer by chance instead of choice. She stresses that marketing is often