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Moving On

21 Apr

Moving On

There may come a time when you don’t feel challenged, or worse; you may feel like there are no challenges left to overcome. Doubts and lingering feelings can grow until you can no longer ignore them. If the desire or passion for your work has moved on, it may be time for you to consider doing the same.

Before You Resign

Speaking to your boss on a regular workday may be effortless unless you plan to resign. You might feel like you’re abandoning someone who depends on you. Before you quit, be sure that’s what you want because finding sustainable employment can be extremely challenging, let alone a career that challenges you and offers opportunities to grow.

Three Things

A brief yet informative article on RobertHalf.ca, called How to tell your boss you’re quitting your job, lists three steps you should take when you choose to resign. Beneath each is one word – respect. Being respectful is vital because how you handle leaving an employer can affect future career opportunities. The article lists three things you need to do if you choose to resign:

Speak to your manager

Resigning could be a difficult conversation, but there’s no way around it. Regardless of your reasons, your manager should be the first person to find out. The company must prepare to fill the void created in your absence – which takes time. Your replacement may need training that you can provide, or you may be required to develop an offboarding document detailing how a new hire can complete your daily tasks.

Know what to say

Whether you’ve found a new position, need time off or are returning to school to upgrade your skills, you must know what you’ll say. Be prepared because your manager may ask why you’ve decided to quit or might try to convince you to stay. While you shouldn’t go into detail, at the very least, you must be able to convincingly state your reason for moving on.

Put it in writing

Once you’re sure you can’t stay, it’s time to write your resignation.    A resignation letter formally states your intentions to end your employment on a specific date and time. According to the above article, your resignation letter should include the last day you plan to work, a brief explanation for leaving and a few words of gratitude.

Your last day: The generally accepted timeframe for giving notice is at least two weeks. It may not always be possible; however, your manager will appreciate the effort to give the company time to prepare for your exit.

Your explanation: You don’t have to go into detail to explain why you’ve decided to leave. Whether you’ve accepted another position, enrolled at an educational institution, or decided to travel abroad, whatever the reason, keep it brief.

A lasting impression: Alison Doyle writes in How to Tell Your Boss You’re Quitting Your Job, “Whenever possible, leave your job gracefully and on good terms.” While it can be tempting to use this moment to air out grievances, the words you choose could come back to haunt you. Instead of leaving a bad impression, take the high road, thank your employer for the opportunity, and wish them success in the years ahead.

When to Leave

Along the way, everyone gets tested throughout their career(s). There will be challenges you rise to conquer and others where you fall short. All these moments will allow you to learn, adapt and develop as you grow. One challenge everyone faces throughout their careers, regardless of profession, is knowing when to leave. If you’re afraid to move on because of a fear of the unknown, remember Yvon Chouinard said: “Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all.




07 Feb
Navigating the Marketing Profession
  • 10:00 am
  • Earl DeMatas