Upskilling: The Ultimate Win-Win

15 Jan

Along with modifying business strategies and tactics, companies across industries are also taking stock of the skills and reskilling of their workforce. It may seem that upskilling is a low priority amongst the many business demands but it’s as important now as ever before. Arming employees with new knowledge and a matching skill set will help them not only navigate but also challenge the unexpected. For marketing leaders, the right professional development program for high performers needs to include more than just the knowledge delivered. It should aim to rejuvenate their marketing passion overall. With the Chartered Marketer (CM) program, the benefits of upskilling employees are seamless as it takes time, knowledge gaps and future potential into account.


Professional woman focused on laptop. With remote work continuing, the options for upskilling remain online bound for safety and accessibility. Programs forced to shift from in-person to online have found themselves on a learning curve. A survey conducted by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association “reveals that 62% of student respondents and 76% of faculty and academic librarians surveyed believe online learning has had a negative impact on education quality.”

This sentiment is echoed far and wide which is why many are looking to certain online programs designed for optimal learning from the start. Programs that have taken the care to develop successfully give participants peace of mind when getting started on their upskilling journey. The CM program is exactly that; an online learning experience that integrates the bells and whistles of the latest online learning platforms. Beyond just being a platform where courses reside, it includes a team of live instructors, a program facilitator, and numerous opportunities for participants to connect with each other. All of this is thanks to the latest research in online learning and instructional design; an investment made for the success of every CM participant. It has and always will be an online learning program.

What exactly can participants expect when starting their CM journey? It begins with the application process which is easily accessible online through their MyCMA account. The portal helps navigate participants as make their way through each stage of the application process and then through the program course by course. Each of the CM online marketing courses is dependent on the other; meaning participants aren’t overwhelmed and gradually gain their improved skill set. In terms of timing, the program is designed to be completed within two to five years. That flexibility is entirely up to the participant’s discretion and empowers them to own their learning journey and marketing career.


For marketers, learning on the job is an everyday process. Upskilling in the workplace is all about keeping up with the latest marketing trends through continuous learning. It ensures marketers stay relevant and why it’s vital they find time to upskill to not fall behind.

The 2020 Canadian Digital Marketing Pulse Survey demonstrated this with regard to digital marketing.40% of marketers are essentially “winging it” when it comes to digital marketing, reporting they know either a little bit or enough to get by.” Woman sitting in front of laptop with her hand tucked under chin.This may not be surprising given how quickly the digital space transforms but it does validate that knowledge gaps occur. CMA’s own research in partnership with the Canadian HR Reporter demonstrated that 40% of HR management, decision-makers and leaders agree that skills development and professional development are key to overcoming business challenges. So how exactly does one accomplish both upskilling and training?

The CM understands this and has prepared for these eventual blind spots with a blend of relevant case studies and instructors that are actually practicing in the industry. In this way, what is learnt throughout the CM is timely and practical. This two-pronged approach ensures participants not only absorb the unfamiliar but also feel capable to apply it in their daily work.


What lies beyond the CM Designation? Unlike many other certifications and programs, where the learning ends with completion, the CM Designation requires continued professional development as a maintenance requirement. Given that professional development is “always critical in the marketing sector where knowledge demands are constantly evolving” this ensures Chartered Marketers live up to their designation.

In this way, employers and employees can be assured the CM program goes beyond a point-in-time solution. By upholding their marketing designation, Chartered Marketers continue their upskilling journey, never plateauing. This continued commitment to education can be easily slated into the professional development plans for marketers. The CM program focuses on both the big picture employers have for upskilling their workforce on a regular basis as designation holders continue upskilling themselves.

One route to do this is through the CMA’s professional development offerings, from seminars to certifications. Canadian marketers from a variety of industries participate and take advantage of such offerings, creating enriching opportunities for both learning and networking. Smiling man in a video meeting with colleagues.Chartered Marketers can also elect to choose a relevant learning path that works best for them such as marketing leadership experience, community participation, or researching and writing. No matter the path, these requirements for upholding their marketing designation also guarantee their marketing career growth. These efforts will be measured with the support of the CMA Learning team who are ready to answer any questions.


With all this in mind, upskilling for marketers is a main focus that leads to not only individual success, but also company profitability. A marketer’s focus to upskill will prove its worth when the situation calls for it.

Explore the Chartered Marketer Journey


17 Jan
The Program That Transforms Marketers
  • 10:00 am
  • Earl DeMatas