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Expanding A Strategic Marketing Mindset

11 Jun

Applying her strategic marketing mindset, Angelika Orgacki approached her professional development goals with the same focus and commitment.

Finding the CM Path

I always knew I wanted to work in the creative space due to my passion for design thinking and having a strategic mindset. Uncovering a career in marketing felt right for me. While I was studying at university, I felt that there was no clear path for future marketers to follow. I noticed that other marketers pursuing their BBA were looking up to associations like the CPA, HRPA or researching further education options like MBA, JD, or a master’s program.

Angelika smiling with arms crossed staring straight ahead. As for me, I started out interning at a local ad agency that helped me land my first marketing job at a family-owned natural food grocery store. From there, I moved onto a marketing specialist role at a post-secondary institution which eventually led me to become the Canadian Marketing Association’s marketing manager. I had previously taken a few courses at the CMA and connected with some of the facilitators. I knew that as a marketer, working at the CMA was the best place for me to learn and grow; and I was right!

The marketing profession will continue to evolve, so continuing one’s professional development is very important. Marketers must stay on top of trends, best practices and standards.

Nothing stuck out to me as a professional development option until the CM program was launched and it’s like no other marketing program out there.

To me, it was the program (finally) for aspiring marketing leaders to apply the skills they’ve been practising while connecting with other marketers nationally. Embarking on my Chartered Marketer journey has fueled my professional development and empowered me as a marketer.

Achieving professional growth with support

Part of my job is hearing from Canada’s top marketing leaders and learning best practices from some of the biggest brands. The CM program ties all that the CMA has to offer into one must-have designation program that was missing in the marketing profession and will set future marketers up for success. Plus, the idea of being one of many in the first cohort of the CM program was a huge motivation to finish the program within two years.

Now I am proud to add CM to my credentials and be part of this amazing community. I now have a network of marketing professionals across the country to chat about challenges, new projects and seek mentorship. This along with the instructors, advisors and the curriculum developers who were very supportive added to the entire CM experience.

Experiencing the online program

Smiling Angelika holding up her Charterer outside. On top of hearing directly from experienced marketing leaders, the CM program also has a great blend of getting back to the foundations while also applying current trends. It revealed what I am most drawn to which is branding and strategic marketing tactics. From learning how to create a memorable brand strategy to drafting a strong creative brief, I really enjoyed how applicable the course material and projects were to my everyday job.

When comparing the CM program to other options, another consideration that came to mind was the fact that it was offered completely online and was manageable (most of the time) while working full-time. Life happens and when you’re planning a wedding during a pandemic, renovating a house, and dealing with a complete switch to full-time remote work, it can be challenging at times to keep up. However, the CM program allows for participants to take breaks as needed between each course.

The whole learning experience levels up adult education too with interactive components and video content to keep you engaged from start to finish. The discussion forums and timely engagement prompts were great and succeeded in keeping me connected to my peers. For instance, I remember in Core 1 we all shared our thoughts on the Super Bowl ads right after they aired. Engagements like these have really stuck out to me as these discussions all revolved around what’s currently happening in our industry.

The CM program also emphasized the importance of soft skills and the need to feel confident and prepared during presentations. As a marketing leader, your team will rely on you to present recommendations and build business cases to achieve marketing results. That is exactly what the CM program prepares you for. From video project submissions to presenting in front of an audience, the program really tests your presentation style which I feel I have now mastered thanks to the CM program.

Commitment to Ongoing Learning

For my fellow Chartered Marketers, I advise keeping a log when you come across topics you didn’t know or steps to follow. This will come in handy as you progress throughout the program. Also, take advantage of your peers in the program and your access to the instructors and facilitators – they’re here to help you learn and grow! Go the extra mile and add them on LinkedIn. Or follow the CM social channels to build relationships with the CM community. Lastly, don’t wait until the last minute to get your assignments done. Instead, plan and find ways to apply the work to your current role.

Becoming a Chartered Marketer has validated my marketing knowledge and expertise and showcased I am committed to learning. The experience has led me to my most recent promotion, and I can truly admit that the CM program made this career advancement happen for me.

Looking forward to seeing the CM community grow! #GetYourCM

Angelika Orgacki
Director, Marketing
Canadian Marketing Association

Angelika Orgacki earned her Chartered Marketer designation this past Spring 2021.

Ready to become a Chartered Marketer?



18 Oct
Pursuing CM Excellence
  • 10:00 am
  • Earl DeMatas