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CM Financial Support

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Unlock your potential with the CM designation, fully funded through Digital Marketing Skills Canada

The Digital Marketing Skills Canada (DMSC) initiative allows marketers who are unemployed or working part-time to improve their skills and differentiate themselves in a competitive job market by benefitting from a fully funded scholarship to complete the Chartered Marketer (CM) program.

The new initiative can ease financial barriers and help Canadian marketers, particularly those from underserved communities, attain their greatest potential. It’s further proof of how the CMA is dedicated to future-proofing marketers and building Canada’s next generation of marketing talent.

Added Benefits of the DMSC Program:

  • Fast-Track Your Success: Complete the comprehensive CM program in just 7 weeks! We have new cohorts starting every Monday.
  • Exclusive CMA Support: Gain unparalleled support throughout your job search journey with access to personalized coaching on expert interviewing techniques, resume crafting, emotional intelligence, LinkedIn and more. You will also receive a complimentary CMA membership for one year and get access to networking events.
  • Showcase Your Talent: The CMA will actively showcase our DMSC program graduates to potential employers using our extensive network, making sure you have the connections needed to land new opportunities or well-deserved promotions.


The scholarship criteria includes: 

  • Currently unemployed or underemployed 
  • 3-12 years of marketing experience with demonstrated career progression 
  • Highly motivated to find a job and become a senior marketing professional and be Keen on continuous skill advancement 
  • Fluent in English 
  • Legally eligible to work in Canada 
  • Work permit holders should have at least one year of Canadian work experience  

Instructors and coaches

Annette Filler

CEO and LinkedIn Trainer, PUNCH media

Jennifer Campbell

Career Management Coach & Talent Advisor

Jeffrey O'leary

Vice President Finance, Canadian Marketing Association

Richard Toker

President, Branderos Inc.

Wendy Boyd

Managing Partner, AM360

Vicki Waschkowski

Founder, Hook Marketing

Ian McGinty

Principal, Ian McGinty and Associates

Susan McVey

Professor, School of Marketing at Seneca Polytechnic and George Brown College

Curriculum and requirements

Eligible participants will have 7-weeks to finish the program. The program is asynchronous with rolling intake so you can start the program at any time. To complete the program, participants must complete five CM courses: 

  • Tools for Success  
  • Finance and Campaign Execution  
  • Creative Elements of Marketing  
  • One elective: Brand, Media and Insights 
  • Summit  

You can learn more about the courses

Pathways to the CM Designation:  Based on your background in marketing education and work experience, there are pathways available to accelerate your progress through the CM program. After submitting your application, we will inform you about the specific courses you need to complete. 

It is important for applicants to treat this as a full-time job to complete the required courses within this timeframe. It is expected that graduates will actively pursue job opportunities, provide a job offer letter once they secure employment, keep in regular contact with the CMA staff and complete the government and program feedback surveys.  

For Employers

To hire a talented Chartered Marketer graduate who is now looking for their next full time, part time or project opportunity, please contact Sherry Azim at

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