The Pitch

12 Aug
The Elevator Pitch

Making a Connection

It’s 10:30 am, and you just got out of a meeting that didn’t go quite as expected. As you hit the ground button, a hand stops the doors, and someone you respect enters the elevator. Whether it’s a marketing director, copywriter, graphic designer or media planner, now could be the time for you to make a new connection. The problem is you may not be in the right headspace to approach them. Make sure not to miss these opportunities by honing an elevator pitch you can recall quickly.

What’s an Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is a summary of your background, including your education and work experience. According to, you should be able to start and finish it as you travel from one floor to the next. The elevator pitch is a snapshot of who you are, what you do, and what you want to do.

Say What? suggests using clear language and being persuasive when writing your elevator pitch. Remember to highlight your skill set and share why you would be an asset. Since speaking to people you don’t know can be stressful, practice your pitch repeatedly until it comes out naturally to alleviate anxiety. Don’t forget to mention your goals. Whether you’re job hunting, looking to be assigned to a new project or simply seeking to expand your network, clearly state what you’re looking for.

Your elevator pitch

Three Things to Remember

Below are three crucial things you should remember when preparing your elevator pitch according to

1. Keep it Short

Your pitch should be able to be delivered in under 30 seconds.

2. Be Clear

Speak clearly and confidently because the listener doesn’t know you or what you want.

3. Call to Action

Make sure there is a clear call to action and the listener understands what action you want them to take. For example, if you want their opinion on your work, ask if they would mind reviewing some of your work and coaching you on how it can be improved.

Make Your Mark

In 30 seconds, you’ll need to introduce yourself, tell them what you do and, most importantly, what you want to do with your skills in the future. A graphic designer might mention companies they’ve collaborated with and the industry in which they’d like to work. A writer might discuss which publications their writing has appeared in and where they see their words appearing next. An example might be: “My name is Daryl, I’m a copywriter for The Scope, and I’m here to make my mark as a writer. I write op-eds and blogs and would appreciate your feedback on my work.”

Your Pitch

Just in Case

An elevator pitch is an ambitious way to introduce yourself and make connections that could help you achieve career goals. Even if you’re happy or content in your current role, it doesn’t hurt to have a pitch ready, just in case you run into someone you’d love to meet. By preparing a pitch in advance, you’ll know what to say to engage someone and leave a lasting impression. Without one, you might unknowingly pass up opportunities to engage with peers and industry professionals who could help turn your career ambitions into reality.
