Upskilling for Success

13 Dec

In his CM Snapshot, Gurshan Singh discusses upskilling for success by applying for the designation recognized nationwide. Gurshan learned to balance his professional responsibilities, set clear goals, prioritize, and become more confident on his marketing journey. 

Recognized Credentials

I pursued the Chartered Marketer (CM) designation because it represents the pinnacle of professional excellence in the marketing profession in Canada. With over five years of experience across various sectors, including digital marketing, web development, and social media, I wanted to formalize my expertise with a credential recognized for its rigorous standards. As a newcomer to Canada, upskilling is one of my top priorities, and this designation has formalized my knowledge and experience over the years.

Top-Tier Educational Resources

I applied for the CM scholarship through the DMSC program because it offered a unique opportunity to advance my skills in digital marketing under the watchful guidance of the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA). The scholarship provided the financial support I needed to pursue this designation and access top-tier educational resources.
I am grateful to the CMA for this opportunity, and I hope this designation will help kickstart my career in Canada.

Setting Clear Goals

One of the obstacles I faced in the program was balancing the rigorous coursework with my professional responsibilities. The CM program is challenging because it demands high dedication and time management to succeed. I overcame this by implementing strong project management techniques (as I am also pursuing a PMP designation), including prioritizing tasks and setting clear goals. Although the coursework was lengthy, it was packed with knowledge and enjoyable.


The coursework was filled with new knowledge, but I mainly learned the importance of data-driven decision-making in marketing. This insight has fundamentally changed the way I approach my goals. Now, I prioritize gathering and analyzing data from the beginning when the marketing strategy is being formulated to inform every aspect up to execution and feedback.

More Confident

The most valuable aspect of the program has been the one-on-one job search/guidance sessions with my mentor Professor Ian McGinty. His interview techniques and best practices made me more confident. They also helped me refine my resume and align my skills with what recruiters are seeking, significantly increasing the number of interviews I received.

Although I am still looking for a role in the profession, I can confidently say that my skills and approach to job hunting have considerably improved with Ian’s guidance.

Filling Gaps

The CM program has expanded my perspective on the marketing profession by highlighting the ethical and strategic aspects of the field. While I was already familiar with best practices and campaign strategies as an experienced marketer, this program encouraged me to take a step back and see the bigger picture.

The curriculum, particularly through its video examples, filled in my knowledge gaps and introduced me to new dimensions of creativity and marketing execution that will be invaluable in my career going forward.

The Knowledge

The CM program has profoundly shaped my future career, positioning me as a more knowledgeable and credible marketing professional. The skills and insights I’ve gained have prepared me to take on more strategic roles within organizations, and the CMA’s recognition has opened doors to more significant opportunities.

I am more confident in my ability to lead high-impact marketing initiatives and contribute to the success of any organization. I truly believe that this program has made me a better marketer, and the knowledge I’ve gained will be reflected in my work as I take on progressively higher roles within the Canadian marketing landscape.

Gurshan Singh
DMSC Chartered Marketer Participant

Gurshan received a scholarship that covered his Chartered Marketer designation through the DMSC program. This scholarship program is funded by the Government of Canada and Upskill Canada, powered by Palette Skills.


28 Feb
Proving Your Worth in Marketing
  • 10:00 am
  • Earl DeMatas