Failure to pay annual dues or meet Certified Professional Development (CPD) requirements will result in designation suspension. A suspension results in losing the right to use the Chartered Marketer designation.
After a 90-day grace period, Chartered Marketers who have not paid their annual dues or met their CPD requirements, will be considered suspended. CM’s will have two years from their designation lapse based on their last good-standing term (December 31st), to request to be re-instated. In order to be re-instated, you will be required to:
1) Pay a reinstatement fee of $200
2) Pay the current year’s annual dues
3) Meet the pro-rated CPD requirements for the current term and meet the 45 CPD requirement for the cycle (15 CPD per year in a three year cycle).
If more than two years have passed since the designation was suspended, based on the last good-standing term (December 31st) due to outstanding annual dues, non-compliance of annual CPD requirements or voluntarily relinquishment, a Chartered Marketer may rejoin by re-achieving their designation through the path for which they qualify for. This may include, and is not limited to, submitting a new application and, meeting the designation requirements currently in place for the path through which they qualify for. Should any of the previously met requirements remain valid, they will not need to be completed as a part of the re-instatement process.