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Apply for a CM Scholarship with Digital Marketing Skills Canada

Chartered Marketer is the exclusive designation of a Canadian marketing professional, established by the authoritative voice in marketing in Canada – the CMA.

It’s the one marketing designation recognized by employers across the country. But that’s only the starting point – the benefits of the CM extend far beyond the two initials at the end of your name. It places you in a network of CMs and CM instructors who are themselves helping steer our profession through continual change.

Key Benefits of the Chartered Marketer Program

Diversify your perspectives by learning from experienced marketers, instructors, and peers from various industries across the country.
Challenge your marketing expertise and build confidence, while applying what you’ve learned in your current role.
Build and strengthen your professional network alongside Canadian marketers who set out to achieve their highest potential.

A key milestone for the profession – and you.

In the past, it was impossible to identify the marketing leader from the journeyman. Both have a depth of experience, but only the Chartered Marketer has gained a unique perspective on the edges of innovation and changes in our profession.

CM elevates you to the next level

CM is the stepping stone you need to advance your marketing career. It will plug you into new ways of working and new opportunities. You’ve already invested in your marketing career. Now is the time to level up, showcase your skills on a wider stage, and invest in yourself.

Marketers must always stay current with technological innovation and breakthrough media ideas because the profession is constantly evolving.

The CM signifies a deep understanding of the marketing profession and a commitment to learning, professional development, and keeping current with trends.

Earning the CM designation showcases an ongoing commitment to marketing excellence, the holder’s passion for staying current, and upholding professionalism in the marketing space.

Pathways to CM

Recognizing the diverse backgrounds and expertise levels of marketing professionals, the CMA offers accelerated pathways, making the journey to achieve your CM designation more streamlined than ever.

Join our CM Community

Be part of a dynamic and inspiring community of marketing professionals across Canada! Whether you’re an aspiring marketer eager to learn or a seasoned professional looking to stand out with a recognized credential, there’s a place for you here. CMs get access to exclusive networking events, discounted professional development, and engaging mentorship opportunities to shape the next generation of marketers, and more. As a Chartered Marketer, you‘ll stay connected and ahead in the fast-paced world of marketing. 


Ready to elevate your marketing career and join our vibrant community?

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